martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

Commentary of the Oruro Carnival 2017

The carnival of Oruro with many colors and joy even when the weather did not accompany it I do not care since with all the rain the dancers were not intimidated the joy was felt more the visit of several foreigners who enjoyed the heat and the joy of the carnival of Oruro , I know that they will agree with me all those who went was an unforgettable experience.

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2017

Aniversario de Oruro

Hoy Oruro recuerda al 10 de febrero de 1781,hombres como los hermanos Rodríguez, el valeroso Sebastián Pagador y el indígena Santos Mamani, levantaron al pueblo de la Villa de Oruro en contra de los chapetones europeos; las primeras señales del carácter revolucionario de este pueblo datan de 1739.